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Migatte no Gokui

This drawing was for my sister. She's a big Dragon Ball Z fan, and she wanted me to draw this for her and her husband. She sent me a few pictures, and had me draw a character called Migatte no Gokui.  First, I sectioned off three parts of the paper. The three pictures I was supposed to copy showed Goku's face, his head and chest, and then from his head to his torso. I chose to draw the one with his head and chest at the top. For this type of anime, there are a lot of shadows, and they give the drawing character, so I tried to stay as close to the real picture as I could.  The next picture I used for the center section is focused on Goku's face. I first started out with the outline of his head. I had a little trouble with the shape of his face. I filled in the shadows of his ear to get the shape, and under his mouth and nose. Other than that, I kept the outline as basic as I could. After that I filled in the shadows for his face, and...

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